Best Escape Room Review Sites

Do you want to play an escape room but not sure where to look? Check out the best escape room review sites that give an overview of the escape rooms out there for you to try out yourselves. The following escape room review sites are just some of the top ones out there and is not an all-inclusive list.

EscapeMattster is one of the more recent escape room review sites that is very comprehensive and detailed in nature. EscapeMattster writes from the heart, and his reviews are structured and detailed to let you know just about everything you need to in order to make an informed decision on whether the game you are eyeing is right for you. In addition, he doesn’t use an actual score system because scores are fairly subjective, but he has two badges that signify his general opinion of “Oh, me likey” or “Must do!”. If you are looking for a detailed blogger with comprehensive breakdowns, EscapeMattster is the first spot you should check out.

Escape Authority

Chris and his team at Escape Authority have been doing this for a long time, and they have a very, very robust listing of all the escape rooms available. In addition, they have held annual contests in which the players vote for the best escape rooms in different categories. The Escape Authority review page is full of different reviews from a small group of writers to keep the consistency in the reviews. For those who love the detailed style of EscapeMattster but would like to also look for a scorecard, check out Escape Authority because they rate their games out of 5 keys. Sometimes, when a game extends beyond the regular expectations of an escape game, >5 keys may be awarded!


What ESCAPETHEROOMers does best is collate all the different types of games out there into listings based on the type of game. For example, they have a comprehensive list of play-at-home games versus livestream games versus in-person escape games. In addition, they hold awards shows and also provide special awards to the “best” escape rooms in the different categories, such as horror, family friendly, remote, etc.

Review the Room

On the more international route, Review The Room is a popular review site in the UK. They review games local to the European region, but with the advent of remote and play-at-home games, they also write reviews on international games as well (international to UK). Check them out if you are curious about escape rooms in Europe and are planning a trip sometime soon, or if you want to check out reviews of remote-play games that you could play from the safety and comfort of your own home!

These are just some of the review sites out there for escape rooms, and if we missed any, please let us know by emailing us!

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